Social Media and First American Property Buyers:

Social Media and First American Property Buyers:

March 25, 2019

Social Media and First American Property Buyers:

Doesn’t it seem like all these Real Estate companies on the web have a full time PR staff or a Madison Avenue ad agency behind them?  Some companies have cutting edge sites that rival those of Apple or Tesla.  Others have millions of facebook likes and twitter followers.  You have to wonder how they do this.  Are people seeking out products and services to become fans of ?

Right now we are working on a comprehensive social media strategy and an expanded online presence.  In keeping with that strategy we encountered a really fascinating company called Boost Likes. You can check out their site at They have developed an ingenious, albeit mysterious way for companies like us to get facebook likes.  They make it sound easy and free up time to work on building excellent products.

Boost Likes seems to work like a very affordable, outsourced PR firm, and the likes they bring come from real people, and are guaranteed forever.  Since we typically buy property to hold it, we have very low profit margins, we don’t have the time or the resources for a full time PR staff or a PR agency.  We hope that our relationship with boost likes will produce really positive results, and look forward to working with them for a long time in the future.

We’ll update you soon on how this relationship is going.

Until then, thanks for stopping by the First American Property Buyers blog !

Thanks Again !


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